Junior Club Constitution

1. Name:

The Club shall be part of the Runcorn Linnets Football Club umbrella and shall be know as 'Runcorn Linnets Junior Football Club', herein after referred to as the 'Club'.

2. Objectives:

a) To provide ‘Open Membership’ Association Football for young people, irrespective of age, gender, religion or ability, within a safe and fun environment, with the goal of having a positive impact within our local community.

b) To promote and maintain friendly and social activities for Club members and others connected with the Club.

c) To develop existing Club facilities and playing surfaces, thus providing quality, fun and safe sports opportunities for our teams/players.

d) To create a high-profile community-focused organisation, accessible by all aspects of the community.

e) To help individuals realise their potential and develop both their personal & team skills as well as boosting their confidence.

f) To educate young people to make informed healthy lifestyle choices.

g) To improve the performance of players, coaches and volunteers within the club, so that they can realise their full potential.

3. Management:

The Club shall be managed by a Committee, called the Junior Executive Committee, and will comprise the following roles:

i) Treasurer

ii) Junior Secretary

iii) Child Welfare Officer (under 18's)

iv) Head of Football Development Committee

v) League Secretary

vi) Discipline, Matchday Standards & Club Referees Liaison Officer

vii) Subs & Events Manager

viii) Head Groundskeeper & Pitch Maintenance Manager

ix) Fundraising & Sponsorship Officer

The Officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Each Officer will serve for one year (Football Season) with their position being open for re-assignment at the AGM, should the club receive a relevant application or nomination.

Team managers and coaches shall be 'authorised' by the Executive Committee on an annual basis (A.G.M). All authorised manager/coach will be required to hold mandatory certifications/qualifications - Valid DBS Certificate, Minimum of FA Level 1 or Introduction to Coaching Football Certificate, First Aid in Football Certificate and a Safegaurding Children Certificate. The club will pay relevant costs for managers/coaches to achieve these certifications/qualifications. Barring DBS (which must be achieved prior to working with under 18's), new managers/coaches must achieve the aforementioned certifications/qualifications within their first full season at the club. Further details can be found within the Club Codes of Conduct.

The Executive Committee will meet quarterly or as deemed necessary. Meetings will be advertised to all coaches/managers, who will be invited to raise topics/points for discussion.

3.a Football Development Committee:

All club football development shall be managed by a Committee, which shall be called the Football Development Committee (FDC), and will comprise of the following roles:

i) Head of Football Development Committee

ii) New Coach Mentors

iii) Goalkeeping Mentor

iv) Player Recruitment - Akidamey & Lionesses

v) Club Equipment Coordinator

vi) Coach Liaison Officer

New managers/coaches, who have no previous coaching experience, will be assigned a mentor to offer advice and guidance about training session planning and matchday experience / administration.

Managers/coaches who need support are encouraged to liaise with the Head of the FDC.

4. Annual General Meeting:

The A.G.M. will take place within eight weeks of the close of the Football League season. The Executive Committee will set the date of the A.G.M. The Treasurer will present a full and audited statement of the Club finances and minutes of the meeting will be published to managers/coaches.

5. Extraordinary General Meeting:

An E.G.M. will be called by the Junior Secretary twenty-eight days after the receipt of a notice of request signed by either eight or more parent-members or by four or more of the Executive Committee.

6. Alterations and Amendments:

Alterations and amendments to the constitution or rules shall only be made at the A.G.M. Notice of proposed alterations or amendments to be considered at the A.G.M., shall be submitted to the Junior Secretary no later than thirty days prior to the date of the A.G.M., and such proposals will be published with notice of the A.G.M.

7. Disbandment of the Club:

In the event of the Club being disbanded the Junior Secretary will call a Special General Meeting in order to discuss the disbandment of Junior Club funds and property. Fourteen days notice to be given of any such meeting.

The Junior Club funds and assets will be left in the care of the Runcorn Linnets FC Trust.

8. Finance:

Runcorn Linnets JFC accounts will be managed by the club secretary and treasurer.

Significant expenditure / outlay, that falls outside of 'normal business', will be approved by the Exec Committee.

The club's financial position will be reported at Exec Committee Meetings and the A.G.M, the latter being published in the A.G.M minutes.

9. Subscriptions:

Player subscriptions will be collected by the team manager and payable to the club on a monthly basis (between September and July), via Bank Standing Order. The sum per player will be reviewed at the A.G.M and communicated to coaches in advance of the forthcoming season. A one-off league 'sign-on' fee (fixed at the A.G.M.) will be required for all players in advance of the league season commencing. Failure to pay either the one-off or monthly subscription will result in a player or team not being permitted to play.

10. Rules and Regulations:

The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of the Football Association by virtue of its affiliation to/membership of the Football Association.

The Rules and Regulations of the Football Association Limited and parent County Association and any league or competition to which the club is affiliated for the time being, shall be deemed to be incorporated into the club rules.

The club will also abide by the Football Association´s Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy.

Runcorn Linnets JFC Team managers, coaches and players will abide by the clubs Codes of Conduct and managers/coaches will be required to support / enforce the Safeguarding Children and Anti-Bullying Policies.

Junior Club Rules

1. Colours:

The primary club playing strip will be:

Yellow & green stripe 'hoop' shirts, green shorts and yellow socks (see example).

This kit should be worn during all matches as the Junior Football Club do not have designated away colours.

On the rare occasions where there is a known kit clash, and playing as the designated 'away' team, teams are permitted to wear their training kit (see example).

2. Teams Managers / Coaches:

All managers and coaches will be 'authorised' by the Exec Committee, and prior to taking on the role, will be required to have a valid DBS certificate.  Managers and coaches will also be required to hold (or obtain within their first full season at the club) mandatory qualifications in FA Level 1 or Introduction to Coaching Football, Safeguarding Children and First Aid in Football. The manager or coach will be responsible for re-certification, with the Child Welfare Officer ensuring compliance. Failure to hold either of the mandatory qualifications may result in a manager or coach being suspended from taking training or leading a team at matches.

Runcorn Linnets JFC Team managers, coaches and players will abide by the clubs Codes of Conduct and will be required to support / enforce the Safeguarding Children and Anti-Bullying Policies.

3. Team Finance:

The team manager will be responsible for managing all team finances. This will include a cash referee float. Team subscriptions will be paid via a direct debit, as per the club constitution. In the event of a manager resigning, they shall be held responsible for all assets and monies held in the name of the team.

4. Players:

All players will adhere to the Club Codes of Conduct and FA Respect policies. Every player will be a paid up member of the Club. In the event of misconduct of a player representing the Club, they shall be liable to such action as deemed necessary by their manager and/or the Executive Committee. All league imposed sanctions or fines will be paid to the club. Failure to pay imposed fines may result in a player being suspended from training and/or matches.

5. Executive Committee:

The Property and assets of the Club shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have full authority for the enforcement of all Club rules.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any member deemed guilty of breaching the Codes of Conduct or conduct prejudicial to the good name of the Club.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint such sub-committees as may from time to time be deemed necessary and shall receive reports from such sub-committees for the final sanction.

In the event of any Executive Committee member resigning, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill such vacancies as may arise in its constitution.

If an Executive Committee member is unable to attend a meeting, due notice must be given to the Secretary. Any Executive Committee member who does not attend two consecutive Executive Committee meetings without reason, shall be called before the Executive Committee to explain him or herself and the Executive Committee shall have the power to take any action deemed necessary.


The Runcorn Linnets Football Club Chairman will sit above and oversee the Juniors. He or she will be responsible for initiating or assisting as required in the furtherance of the junior Club. He or she shall have the casting vote when votes counted are evenly split.

Junior Secretary:

Reports into the Runcorn Linnets Football Club Secretary. Will be responsible for the administration of the Junior Club and will oversee all club activities and ensure that all the
Club assets are covered by the necessary insurance and are insured for public liability.


To be responsible for the accounts and finances of the Junior Club and to keep such bank accounts as required by the Executive Committee, present income and expenditure reports at committee meetings and the A.G.M.

To supply to any person having a reasonable cause, any statement of account as required by the rules of that persons organisation with which the Club is registered.

Child Welfare Officer:

To co-ordinate child protection and welfare policies within the club and ensure that managers/coaches hold relevant mandatory certifications and qualifications.

Head of Football Development Committee (FDC):

Point of contact for football-related activities, including (but not limited to) coach support, continued professional development, pitches, winter training venues, team & player development queries.

League Secretary:

Responsible for coordinating club activities, registration and communication between relevant leagues and cup competitions. Team managers are not permitted to communicate directly with leagues as it must be from a single point of contact.

Discipline, Matchday Standards & Club Referees Liaison Officer:

Promoting the FA Respect campaign and investigating breaches of 'on field' disciplinary sanctions by players, managers, coaches and spectators during matches.

In cases where league officials haven't been appointed, liaison with local referees to source a match official.

Act as a mentor to both new and junior referees who are associated with the club.


Team Subscriptions & Events Manager:

Responsible for organising initial player registration fees and management of teams monthly subscriptions, including applications for hardship grants / reduced fees.

Organising and administration for club events (competitions, end of season awards etc.).


Head Groundskeeper & Pitch Maintenance Manager:

Responsible for all pitch management and renovations to ensure that teams have the best playing surface possible.


Fundraising & Sponsorship Officer:

Supporting junior teams with fundraising plans and activities and how to work with local businesses/companies to achieve sponsorship.

6. Resignations

Should at any time during their period on the Executive Committee, a member resign, that position will be filled by a deputy or any other person agreed by the Executive Committee for the remainder of the season.

A co-opted person agreed by the Executive Committee will fill any vacancy remaining. This includes team managers and assistant coaches.

7. Equipment:

All purchases of equipment will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee and in the case of negotiated sponsorship, the kit may be selected and purchased by the team manager with the agreement of the sponsor and Executive Committee. The sponsor paying such monies to the treasurer for settlement of account. The club Secretary & Treasurer will keep a list of all Club equipment and assets.

8. Finance:

All accounts and invoices received on behalf of the Club will be passed to the Secretary / Treasurer for payment.

All monies received by the Secretary / Treasurer will be paid into the appropriate bank account.

If required, team managers must supply a balance sheet to the Secretary / Treasurer for all sundry income and expenditure applicable to their team before the A.G.M. A referee cash float will be given to each team and the managers will be responsible for recording ref fees and float top ups.

9. Sponsorship:

There shall be a sub-committee set up to deal and report on matters of any form of sponsorship and advertising.

This committee shall consist of the Secretary & Treasurer and the nominated team manager.

The sub committee shall review the criteria for sponsorship on a requirement basis, which will be:

a) Team kit and players kit.

b) Requirements of Club pitch furniture, pitch side sponsorship, clubhouse and general finance.

c) Requirements of age group not covered in (a)

All sponsorship received by the Club shall be within the rules of the Football Association.

All ground advertising shall be with the permission of the Runcorn Linnets FC.

No person shall enter into any form of sponsorship deal without the permission and agreement of the Executive Committee.

10. Co-opted persons:

The Executive Committee may co-opt such persons to the Executive Committee to act as advisor's on matters that are deemed necessary. The co-opted persons shall have no voting rights.