Club Policies

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game and so Runcorn Linnets JFC supports and adheres to the FA Respect guidlines.
Please visit our Downloads page for more information regarding the club and youth football in general.
Below are some of our Club Policies:
Player Transfers
During any playing season, a child is not allowed to transfer from one Linnets team to another Linnets team from the same age group, without the permission of the Junior Exec Committee.
Club Complaints Procedure
In the event that any Club member feels that they have suffered discrimination in any way, or that the Club Policies, Rules or Code of Conduct have been broken, they should follow the procedures below.
They should report the matter directly to the Child Welfare Officer, both verbally and by email, and/or to the relevant Junior Secretary.
The report should include:
- Details of what, when and where the occurrence took place.
- Any witness statement and names.
- Names of any others treated in a similar way.
- A preference for a solution to the incident.
- Details of any former complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom made.
- The Club´ Executive Committee will sit for any hearings that are required.
The Club´ Executive Committee will have the power to:
- Warn as to future conduct any person found to have broken the Club´s Policies or Code of Conduct.
- Suspend from membership any person found to have broken the Club´ Policies or Code of Conduct.
- Remove from membership any person found to have broken the Club´ Policies or Code of Conduct.
- Report to and involve appropriate authorities where necessary (FA, Police etc.)
Alternatively, you can contact the Child Welfare Officer email addresses below for a more specific enquiry.