Runcorn Linnets Junior Football Club needs new players

We are Looking For Your Help – New Club Boys Mini Soccer Secretary & New Social Secretary Required

We have the following roles to fill for the 2014/15 season

Any parents who are interested please contact Ciaran Clotworthy on 07876 752 868.
We are looking to fill these positions at the junior AGM on Wednesday evening.


Role No.1


Boys Secretary

Responsible to:

Head Junior Secretary

Responsible for:

Boys Mini Soccer Teams U6s - U10s = 12 x teams


What is the role:

The main purpose of this job is that of principle administrator for the clubs Boys Mini Soccer Teams (U6s - U10s = 12 teams).

He/she carries out or delegates all of the administrative duties which enable our Mini Soccer teams and their members to function effectively. The Secretary is a pivotal role within the club, with a close involvement in the general running of the club. Our Secretarial team provide the main points of contact for people within and outside the club on just about every aspect of the club’s activities.


Team Structure:

Club Secretary: Lynn Johnson

Head Junior Secretary (Boys U11s – U16s): Ciaran Clotworthy

Girls Secretary: Linzi Hosie

Boys Min Soccer Secretary (Boys U6s – U10s): Vacant


What sort of tasks are involved?


Tasks will include:

  • Attending league meetings
  • Registering players to the league(s)
  • 1st point of contact for your teams
  • Dealing with team correspondence
  • Assisting with organising the club AGM and other meetings
  • Presenting an annual report to the AGM
  • Represent the club at outside meetings at the direction of the Executive Committee
  • Providing support for other club officers


How much time is involved:

  • Approximately eight hours each week, often at weekends or evenings.
  • Attendance is expected at monthly / quarterly meetings.


Other information:

Availability is a key element of this role, and it is especially helpful if the Secretary can take phone calls during the working day but mostly of an evening or weekend.


Role No.2


Social Secretary

Responsible to:

Executive Committee

Responsible for:

Age group assistants/parent helpers


What is the role:

To organise social events with a view to fund-raising and also arranging social events to bring club members together to develop relationships within the club.


What sort of tasks are involved:

Tasks will include:

  • Organising various social events during the season, including pre-season and end of season
  • Developing fund-raising opportunities (bag packing, race nights, sponsored walks etc.)
  • Distribution of notices to promote events
  • Arrange meetings with assistants/parent helpers
  • Reporting to Executive Committee
  • Presenting an overview of activities at the AGM


How much time is involved:

  • Typically 3 – 4 hours per month, but this may increase at the time of events.
  • Attendance is expected at monthly / quarterly meetings.


Other information:

Assistance is needed at all stages and for all events.

All age groups should seek to identify someone who will act as a team co-ordinator for any social / fund-raising event to support the Social Secretary.

About the Author

By linnets-john-rankin / Subscriber, bbp_spectator on Jul 14, 2014

Comments (2)

  • Kara Shaw

    I am looking to get involved in the club.

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